Our specialists tailor treatments to restore volume and fill out those fine lines to help you look and feel rejuvenated.
Age and sun exposure are the two main factors in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, pigmentary changes and change in facial shape and appearance.
Wrinkles appear with ageing and may be exacerbated by loss of facial fat and over-active facial muscles. Filler injections and muscle relaxing injections may be used alone or together to relax smile or frown lines and fill in the residual wrinkles. Lines around the mouth are usually caused by loss of lip volume due to ageing, and modest replacement with natural tissue gels* can restore lost volume and fill out wrinkles. See below for treatments we offer:
*The Therapeutic Goods Administration advertising code restricts the publication of the names of Schedule 4 products or ingredients.
The first filler to appear in the 1980's was collagen. This was unsatisfactory due to its short lifespan (often less than three months) and rate of allergic reaction. The natural tissue gels* products revolutionised filling. They are natural tissue gels present in all living tissue. They are manufactured using a natural bacterial culture. These products are used in the treatment of fine lines around the eyes, mouth and for restoration of lost lip volume. Treatment needs to be repeated at six to nine monthly intervals.
*The Therapeutic Goods Administration advertising code restricts the publication of the names of Schedule 4 products or ingredients.
Bulk filling refers to the replacement of facial fat loss within the treatment of deep shadow areas. Initially fat transfer was used, however this is a complex procedure and many of the patients who need it do not have the abdominal or hip fullness necessary to provide adequate amounts. The other problem with fat transfer is its unpredictable duration of effect.
Natural tissue gels* are the most practical solution in a procedure that we call "megafilling". This is usually repeated on an annual basis. Laser Dermatology makes use of multiple different natural tissue gels* based on individual requirements.
*The Therapeutic Goods Administration advertising code restricts the publication of the names of Schedule 4 products or ingredients.
Some subliminal signs of ageing which respond well to bulk-filling are:
Muscle relaxant injections* were first used by eye specialists for the treatment of eyelid spasm. The cosmetic dose is only enough to induce mild relaxation of over-active muscles. Its effects wear off over six to nine months. In larger doses, the injection is now being used to help children with spastic cerebral palsy to relax their limbs and allow them to learn to walk.
*The Therapeutic Goods Administration advertising code restricts the publication of the names of Schedule 4 products or ingredients.
Facial wrinkles caused by sun damage can be improved but not eliminated. The Fraxel re:store® dual laser can soften these signs of ageing with minimal "down time". The Fraxel re:pair® ablative laser is excellent for severe sun damage and wrinkling but does require a minimum of one week recuperation time. Laser Dermatology has the only Fraxel re:pair® laser in Victoria.
Newer, more gentle laser systems can improve the texture, luminosity, redness and pigmentation of the skin with no post-treatment inconvenience. Several treatments are required for the best result. Laser Dermatology offers the ExcelV™ Genesis, and the PicoSure™ PicoToning and Picoway® Resolve laser treatments.
Redness on the neck and chest is caused by sun damage and is known as poikiloderma of Civatte. It produces a characteristic horseshoe shape on the neck caused by sparing under the chin which is in shadow and protected from sun damage. On the chest it is usually confined to the area above clothing necklines.
This problem is treated using a combination of laser treatments using the Candela Vbeam Prima™ laser and the Ellipse Nordlys™ IPL. The skin at this site is very delicate and there can be problems with white marks if laser treatment is carried out too aggressively. It is therefore important to choose experienced laser operators who will treat using multiple low power sessions and encourage patience regarding the outcome.
Vivace™ is an innovative machine which combines Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) by micro-needling and Wound Healing Mechanism (WHM) by Radiofrequency (RF) energy.
When it is applied to the skin, under topical anaesthesia, sterile micro-needles are used to create many microscopic channels deep into the deep skin layer (the dermis) which stimulate the body to produce new collagen. At the same time RF produces heat energy to promote the remodelling of collagen and wound contraction.
Vivace™ improves facial wrinkling and acne scarring. It is also proving to be useful in the treatment of crepy skin changes that occur with ageing - especially on the neck and arms.
Vicace™ is safe on all skin colours which is gives it an advantage over laser treatments.
The Sublime™ handpiece provides a non-invasive wrinkle treatment. It uses the elōs® system to combine levels of infrared (IR) light and bi-polar radio frequency (RF) energies to remodel the deep dermal layer of the skin by stimulating new collagen growth.
The Sublative™ handpiece has fractionated bi-polar RF technology which uses heat energy to encourage significant increases of collagen and elastin in the upper dermis - with low epidermal disruption for a broad range of skin types.
The Etwo is an excellent device for improvement of facial wrinkling due to ageing and sun damage, as well as improvement of textural changes and acne scarring.
It is important to note that at Laser Dermatology, all pigmented lesions are assessed by a qualified dermatologist before any type of removal is considered.
The laser treatments of choice for these benign pigmentary changes is the RevLite® SI Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser. The same laser used for laser tattoo removal and laser removal treatment of brown birthmarks is also very helpful in the removal of ageing brown marks. Usually only one laser treatment is necessary. More diffuse sun damage pigmentary change will respond to treatment with the Fraxel re:store® Dual laser, Picoway®, PicoSure® and ExcelV™ Genesis laser treatments.
It has been said that the hands often give away one's age. Most people remember to apply sunscreen to their faces but forget how exposed the backs on their hands are to sun damage. Pigmentation combined with loss of fat due to ageing can be reversed with laser treatments and replacement of lost volume with natural tissue gels*.
*The Therapeutic Goods Administration advertising code restricts the publication of the names of Schedule 4 products or ingredients.
Fat Dissolving Injection* is an injectable prescription medicine that contains a specific active ingredient. Fat Dissolving Injections* non-surgically reduce fat under the chin, resulting in a more contoured neck profile and jawline. Usually 2 treatments are required and are performed under local anaesthetic in the clinic.
*The Therapeutic Goods Administration advertising code restricts the publication of the names of Schedule 4 products or ingredients.
Loose skin and fat pads under the chin can be another manifestation of ageing. This problem will respond on many occasions to minimally invasive dissection and liposuction using a fine cannula. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia and does not require hospitalisation.
Non-ablative fractionated laser used for skin rejuvenation, including fine facial wrinkling, irregular pigment and redness. Also used for mild acne scarring and stretch mark modification. Laser wavelengths 1927nms and 1550nms.